This is the first blog post!
Hey there, wonderful reader!
I'm absolutely thrilled to welcome you to my very first blog post. This feels like the start of a fantastic journey, and I'm so grateful you've decided to join me.
This blog has been a little nudge that kept asking to be nurtured for a very long time.
When I finally started planting it, giving it water , some sunshine and talking to it a little- it bloomed.
Into a dream.
And when all the pieces finally came together it became a coaching career with a focus on pro-aging ( because if I hear the phrase anti-aging one more time…) and the opportunity to collect the beautiful wisdom of women.
I had a tough time finding resources or a good place to hear about what women my age were being challenged with or surprised by as I entered my 50s and even more so in my 60s.
I looked for books about the subject and they were scarce. I couldn’t find anything that sounded like the conversations I was having with my girlfriends. And believe me, I can always find a book.
In my career in the nonprofit sector, I was blessed to be able to have deep and meaningful conversations with a lot of people and many of those people happened to be women. And guess what? We were often wanting to talk about the same things.
The complexities of aging are well…complex. We live a whole lot longer than women used to. And our 60 isn’t what our grandmother’s 60 was. Or even our mothers.
Changes in family dynamics and other relationships can be both exciting and challenging.
Careers that served us well for so long might be causing us to experience burn-out or maybe we just want to try something different. Or retire. Or a little of both.
Then, there are those confusing and downright frustrating messages about aging that don’t always make us feel heard or seen in an encouraging way anymore.
I heard amazing stories from women who were resdiscovering themselves during this rich season of life and I felt their excitement!
I had friends that were doing incredible things that they were now brave enough to try and making room for themselves for the very first time.
And, boy- aging can look different for everyone. And that…THAT is the beautiful part of this third chapter.
This is our time. Each of our paths can be uniquely us.
So, when we feel stuck, scared, anxious or confused about the whopping amount of changes that come our way- talking about it can really help us organize it.
Woman to woman. Friend to friend.
There’s so much to discover. So much out there that we have the opportunity to explore, if we desire.
Thank you for coming along on this adventure.
Until next time-remember that you are…
Still Blooming,